Sunday 1 December 2019


Maintain these conditions until the test item temperature has stabilized plus one hour. The effects of moisture phase changes between liquid and solid, in or on materiel, as the ambient temperature cycles through the freeze point; The effects of moisture induced by transfer from a cold-to-warm or warm-to-cold environment. See paragraph 5 for analysis of results. If the test item fails to operate as intended, see paragraph 5 for analysis of results, and follow the guidance in paragraph 4. Perform an operational check and physical inspection, and document results. If so, go to Step 6; if not, repeat Steps 2 and 3 using a faster heating rate. Return the test item to standard ambient conditions. nato stanag 4370

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Repeat Steps as required to complete the number of cycles identified in paragraph 2.

Please, ask to your confidence laboratory for further details about tailoring of test methods. Stabilize the test item temperature and hold for one additional hour.

Transfer the test item to another chamber previously adjusted to the upper specified temperature as quickly as possible such that condensation or fogging occurs. Return naho test item to standard ambient conditions.

European Defence Agency - EDSTAR

The effects of moisture phase changes between liquid and solid, in or on materiel, as the ambient temperature cycles through the freeze point; The effects of moisture induced by transfer from a cold-to-warm or warm-to-cold environment. Recommend using insulated transport containers.

nato stanag 4370

Increase the chamber temperature linearly over a period of three hours. Perform an operational check and physical inspection, and document results. Maintain these conditions until the test item temperature has stabilized plus one hour.

Unless otherwise specified, perform an operational check.

Off-highway (mining, construction, agricultural, forestry, defense,…)

Maintain the condition until the test item temperature has stabilized plus one hour. Utilizzando tali servizi, accetti l'utilizzo dei cookie da parte nostra.

As any ice melts, note location s of free water. Otherwise go to Step 8. Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del D. For additional information, see Part Three, paragraph 5. I cookie ci aiutano a fornire i nostri servizi, assicurandoti la migliore esperienza sul nostro sito.

Application This test is applicable to materiel that will experience one or more excursions through the freeze point while wet or in the presence of moisture free water or vapor. See paragraph 5 for analysis of results. Ok Leggi la policy.

nato stanag 4370

Return the test item to above-freezing conditions as soon as possible. Return the test stanav to the low temperature chamber and repeat Steps as required to complete the number of cycles identified in paragraph 2.

nato stanag 4370

If so, go to Step 6; if not, repeat Steps 2 and 3 using a faster heating rate. Servizio che ti interessa Marcatura CE Certificazione ISO Test di laboratorio Taratura strumenti Ispezione Controllo stsnag elettromagnetico Verifica su distributori di carburante Verifica su dispositivi di pesatura Corso di formazione Altro descrivi sotto.

Purpose The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of materiel to withstand: Procedure II — Fogging Step 1. Hato the test item fails to operate as intended, follow the guidance in paragraph 4.

These may be determined using Methods natp Spray the test item sufficient to fill any horizontal pockets to simulate water collected during a rain storm. The use of insulated transport containers is recommended. Maintain the condition for a minimum of one hour after the test item temperature has stabilized.

Limitations This test is not intended to naato the effects of low temperature, thermal shock, rain, or icing. Maintain the conditions for a minimum of one hour following test item temperature stabilization. If the test item fails to operate as intended, see paragraph 5 for analysis of results, and follow the guidance in paragraph 4. Perform a complete visual and operational check, and document the results.

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