Wednesday, 4 December 2019


Tweaked pixel perfect code. Disabled the "Boss" Style Filter by default. Fixed issue which caused classbar to disappear from target nameplate. Fixed error when trying to import invalid profile table. Post if it's not gone tho:

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Updated the Quest and Upgrade Icon in the Bag module.

Dajova's UI (Tukui) : Generic Compilations : World of Warcraft AddOns

Sorting should seem a lot smoother, especially for low end computers. Tukkui issue which caused player unitframe to bug out when entering invasion point while in a Warframe. Updated a lot of skins.

Added color options for UnitFrame Power Predictions. Fixed issue with Objective Tracker in Mythics. Added options for Health font on NamePlates. Changed Ace3 skin to no longer add border on SimpleGroup widgets.

Updated the New Item Glow to the Bag module. Added enhanced target styles for NamePlates.

Télécharger WOW TUKUI 4.2

Reworked some of the general Nameplate config settings so it's hopefully more clear and easy to use. Send a private message to Masterix. Nameplate Class Bar will also sync it's texture to the background. Added Power Threshold trigger to nameplate style filters.

Added option to scale the Vehicle display. Fixed an issue which prevented the frame glow being shown on a UnitFrame with the Frame Orientation set to right Blizzard has made chat bubbles in dungeons and raids protected, meaning we cannot modify them at all. Originally posted by Samwow hi, i downloadet your ui today, nice work i really like it! Originally posted by N3misis hi Dajovacan your please upload separatly the " Coolline " Addon?

The current version of ElvUI is Consumable items that disappear when logged out are now sorted last to avoid gaps in the ElvUI bags. Your current role has to match this before a filter is activated. Clicking the Currencies datatext will now open the currencies frame in WoW. Fixed an issue which caused the UI to hide like Alt-Z when opening the Bank frame using the non-thin border theme.

Télécharger WOW TUKUI -

Added Legionfall War Supplies to Currencies datatext. Added warning popup with information about nameplates getting reset with patch 8. Added individual font size options to duration and count text on Buffs and Debuffs the ones near the minimap. Shortened the text displayed on the movement speed datatext.

Fixed issue with range checking on retribution paladins below lvl Tuukui will make heal absorb cover a portion of the health instead of extending it.

Fixed the "Darken Inactive" setting for stance bar. Added color options for Debuff Highlighting.

I just havea couple quick questions, hope you can help me. This requires that you supply the path to the config page as a comma-separated list. Mostly fixed but config is still strange. Originally posted by Froddan I was just woundering is there is any way that i tuoui make so that the quest tracking zones comes back to the map?

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